lundi 23 septembre 2013


Scripture reference, Luke 23:39-43

When we pray without faith, we should know that we will not receive any answer to our prayers. Having faith and hope is different. Faith is in the present. Hope is in the future. Faith is now. 

The thief that was being crucified with Jesus Christ had faith. He could have thought like the other thief: why are you- the Son of God- here with us and being crucified; why can’t you save yourself?" In the pain that Christ was experiencing, He told him, Today (not tomorrow), I will be with you in paradise. In the midst of His judgment and punishment, Jesus changed his sentence for eternity. He told him- don't worry about the judgment you have received from men because today I am going to end your suffering.

Faith brings forth what your eyes cannot see to the present, and you live it. It materializes it.  There is another type of faith described in Luke 17: 11-14. It says: "Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.  As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.” These lepers were healed as they went and obeyed the word of the Lord. It was not when people were looking but People only saw the results of their faith.

Faith has nothing to do with what we see. Faith brings victory before we live it out. Goliath was killed by David, when David was talking to Saul. He told Saul: “Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.” (1 Samuel 17:36). By Faith, his confession came to pass.

In the same way, don’t look at all the mountains or the giants standing before you and think: “oh, I still have to fight them”. But realize in faith that you have already conquered over them. Thomas refused to believe that Christ had resurrected from dead when he was told by the other disciples and when Jesus appeared to Him, He was disappointed by His faith.

The Time for God to Act is the time When you believe. More than 2000 years ago, our savior received the victory and gave it to us. But many believers today continue to wait for some other victory. There is no other victory aside from the Victory that Christ received on the cross. He has already finished the battle for us. Victory is ours. You don’t have to fight with Satan, because He has been defeated! (Read Colossians 2:14-15). Don't give him the place or authority that He doesn't have any more. All the power now has been given to you by the King who overcame-conquered and Won.

 Pastor Christophe

mardi 17 septembre 2013


Scripture reference:

 John 12: 24-26

1 Timothy 2: 1-2

It is definitely hard to live a life of prayer when we are still living in the past or when we have not been transformed by God. The bible says that “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Prayer without faith is useless. If you pray without faith, you are just making speeches.

When you pray, you don’t need to make noises. People don’t have to see you praying, but they should see results of your prayers. Paul wrote to Timothy that we should pray for our leaders so that we may live in peace. This is because He knew that it was possible for believers to influence the world through prayer. This world and this country are not in the hands of politicians or satan, but in the hands of the Children of God. As Joseph found the solution to the problem of Egypt, so the solution of this world is in our hands.  So stand in your place as a Child of God. It’s not the pagans that will speak peace to Burundi, but it’s us, who have the power to create things.

When the disciples were in the boat and encountered a storm, the disciples set their hearts on the wind.  But Jesus set His heart on prayer and He ordered the wind to stop. Stop setting your eyes on the things that are frightening you, but have faith. The mountains before you cannot be moved by anything else but only Prayer and Faith. Stop looking at the Storm.

When you pray for another person, you are acting as a mediator between Him and God. You take their place before God. And don’t forget that we will be rewarded for interceding for others.

In Romans 8:26 says: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” The Holy Spirit that we have received prays for us. If the Spirit prays for us, then we ought to pray for other people. The Holy Spirit is our counselor; we don’t have to look for advice in other people. We have him as our adviser and He knows all things. Remember, the bible says that it is those who are led by the Holy Spirit that are the true Children of God (Romans 8:14).

mardi 3 septembre 2013

Sunday, the 1st September 2013

Scripture reference: Ephesians 1:15 -22

Prayer cannot just be taught or talked about. It has to be done. A life of prayer is what brings forth a great relationship between you and God. Three amazing things happen as a result:

1. You love the Word of God: When you want to speak to Him you go to His word. Jesus said, If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and I will give it to you. Through His word, God is going to do wonders in your life. God honors His word.  He loves those who love His word and they are close to Him.

2. Victory: You live a life of Victory. We no longer start praying for it because victory comes through the Word. The Word defeats fear. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, the devil thought he was going to argue with Him, but Jesus knew that His strength was in the word so He replied with the Word. “It is written...”

3. It brings us to hear the voice of God. Those who hear God speaking to them spend time with Him in prayer.

Paul’s prayer to the Ephesians was that their eyes shall be enlightened.  You can be saved and yet lack a great relationship with God and hence fail to see. When you are living a life of prayer, you understand the victory you have through the name of Jesus Christ. The reason why we are defeated sometimes is because the devil lies to us by telling us that the name of Jesus Christ is not ours, but instead He reminds us of our names.

But Jesus Christ, is the name we were given. In Ephesians, the bible says that Jesus Christ was placed on the throne to rule. Indeed, He was placed on the Throne to Reign and with us. Understanding this comes as a result of prayer and fellowship with God. This is what will cause you to reign over all circumstances, mountains, problems. Prayer reveals to you who you are in Christ. Those who know what Prayer is are:

1. Used to commanding, they don’t negotiate. They know they are reigning. Jesus taught his disciple this: to command.

2. They Wait to hear from God on a daily basis.

When we do not pray, the decisions that we make are bad because we lead ourselves. When you live a life of prayer, before making any decision, you come before God and ask Him: What should I do?

And when you live according to what God says, you live a life of Victory. When you obey God, everything goes well, and it works out.

Pastor Christophe