mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Sunday 19/January/2014
By Pastor Nahimana Dieudonne


On Wednesday we looked at Joshua chapter 2 and saw that Joshua secretly sent 2 spies to investigate and find out as much information as possible about the land they were going to conquer. They stayed with Rahab and she became their source of information. And we concluded that we as well, must be determined to look for our "Rahab" (it could be a person who is already performing well in the area that God is calling you to, google,a book, etc.), the one who will give us information and enable to inspect the territory that we are going to conquer.

Today we are looking at how to prepare for battle 

Joshua chapter 3:5-12 is our scripture reference (kindly read the passage to understand the rest of the sermon). The people who are able to take over the land and be conquerors are those who are sanctified and don't do things contradictory to the will of God. That's why Joshua told the Israelite to consecrate themselves. Hence because of the ark of the covenant, the Israelite were required to believe in God and do what the word says. 
 This also applies to us as children of God: each time we want to see victory, we need to obey what the Holy Spirit tells us to do. 

Ephesians 6: 10-18 (kindly check it out) talks about the full armor of God that we must put on at all times to resist the attacks of the enemy. It's not God who will dress us up with this armor, but we must put it on at all times. So we required to put on:
  • Truth as a belt around our waist: Walking in sincerity and not hypocrisy. When we hide our weaknesses and try to act righteous and yet we are struggling with sin or weaknesses, we are giving a way to the enemy. It is good that we acknowledge that we need the Grace of God, that we are able to win and do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
  •   The breastplate of righteousness:  Walking in the righteousness that we have received from Christ. That is, our behavior manifesting who we are. What we are spiritually must be manifested physically.
  • Our feet sandaled with readiness for the Gospel of Peace: Being ready to testify of Christ at all times, so that other people can be saved
  • The shield of Faith: Faith is our shield. There is always a word from the bible that we have to believe/ stand upon and confess when we are going through tough times. This is what will defeat the enemy
  • The Helmet of Salvation:  being assured that we are saved  and not doubting our salvation because of one thing or another
  • The Sword of the Spirit: The word enables us to attack the enemy and cause us to chase him away from a given territory. 
Whatever your Goliath is today, you need to make a step of faith like David and throw the stone at him. It is not the small stone that David threw at Goliath that killed him because he fell on his face and not on his back. Goliath was killed by the power of God that worked through the faith of David. The battle is the Lord. Make a decision not to allow the enemy to use his malice in your life again.

samedi 11 janvier 2014

  First Sunday of the Year
5/01/ 2014

Enlarge your tents...what does it mean?

Last year, our theme as a church was centered around the book of John chapter 1, where we are told that: "And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1: 16-17).

2013 was the year of Grace upon Grace and we witnessed tremendous transformation as a church in many ways, as testified by many brethren during our overnight prayer session on  New year's eve. This year we are moving on to greater heights and to another theme found in Isaiah 54:2 where it says:

"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes."

This is our theme as a church for this year. So, what does it mean to enlarge your tent? It means many things. For instance:
  • Getting to another level of faith and believing what you never dared to believe before. What you always thought was impossible...
  • Thinking and conceiving ideas that you never conceived before                                                          We also mean that:
  • This is the year of going to places that you've never been before
  • The year of seeing what you had never seen before
  • The year of accomplishing what you had never accomplished before
  • The year of overcoming the battles that you had never overcome before
  • The year of Conquering souls for Christ like you had never done in the past
And the list goes on...

 However, here is what you have to remember- this is not just our desires for this year or our wishes for 2014, this is what God desires for us as His children to experience this year.

In Joshua 1:2-3, God said: " Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. ."

As believers in the new covenant, God has given us the privilege to reign in His Kingdom. Jesus said: "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). 

In 2014, God is saying that it is time for us to stand up and enlarge our tents. It is not time for us to wait for manna from heaven but it is time for us to do something.  It is time for us to embrace our identity in Christ and reign for Him on this earth. It is time for us to conquer territories- It is time to expand. 

As His children, God has given us the power to dominate on this earth (Genesis 1:27-28), Christ Jesus has given us the right and authority to use His name. He has made us Kings and Priests and more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). He was pleased to give us the Kingdom so that we can represent Him.

So, don't wait for this year to turn out to be like last year. But confess and declare with your mouth, what you are expecting to see this year. The bible says that : "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits" (Proverbs 18:21).

This shall be your year of Greater Victory and Breakthrough... the first among many others to come.

Have a blessed 2014!

From the Sermon preached by Pastor Dieudonne Nahimana

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