mardi 22 avril 2014


Scripture Reference: 
Exodus 12: 1-14 

Easter did not start with the resurrection of Christ. It existed before as we see it in the scripture. However it was a shadow of what was to come. On the day of Passover, Jesus Christ told his disciples that things are going to change; that Passover will no longer be celebrated the way it’s been in the past. This is because He was going to die for us.

Today we celebrate Easter, testifying that Jesus defeated death and that those who believe in him are no longer under the slavery of pharaoh, satan or sin...that they are indeed free !

Jesus Christ was pierced, flogged and crucified so that you can be redeemed. He was paying the price for your redemption. He sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane as He was bearing our grief, so that no matter the circumstances that we may be going through as his disciples, we will have rest through it all.

He wore a crown of thorns and bled, to remove us from the curse of not advancing in life that came from Adam and Eve as a result of their disobedience to God. He was flogged that we may be healed. He was pierced on the side, and blood and water came from him, that we should no longer feel rejected or abandoned as His bride.

This was all part of the price that had to be paid for us to be redeemed. However, after He said that it is finished, He still had to do more for us to be born again. He descended to Hades, defeated death, received new life and became the first born from dead.

Important points to remember are these:
- When Christ was being crucified, we were in Him (as born again believers)
- When He said that “it is finished” (John 19:30), we were in Him
-  When He went down to Hades and defeated death, Satan and all the powers of darkness, we were in Him

Just like Christ, We have overcome Satan, and he knows it. Easter is a time of celebrating this eternal victory even as we remember what the Lord has done for us

And If you are not born again, remember that good works cannot save you. Only the blood of Jesus Christ can save you. Only the blood can remove your sins, only the work of Christ is valid in the sight of God. Your works cannot take you to heaven. But the blood of Jesus can. Are you born again? This is not about the church you go to, the family you come from, but it’s a decision you make. 

For more information on how to get born again this kindly click on this:

God bless you all and 
Happy Easter!
Sermon preached by Pastor Nahimana

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