lundi 7 juillet 2014


JOHN 1:12 says “But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name

We were given the right to become children of God when we got born again. We were adopted by God into his family. God the father became our father.  If we look at the Old Testament- Moses, Daniel and other great servants of God could not call God their father. They knew God as a Great God but never as their father. It is only a privilege that was given to us who have come to receive Christ in our lives as Lord and Savior. 

Some of us, because of our childhood, culture and many other factors, when we hear the word Daddy, we associate it with negative things. We think of a person who is strict, scary, distant, and all that we probably might have experienced (or still experience) with our earthly daddies.  So when we talk about God being our Daddy, we tend to think of him in that perspective. However, for others, it’s just the contrary. We might compare him to our good earthly fathers and when they are no longer alive and we have no reference to compare God with, it becomes particularly hard to continue relating with him on that basis.

Therefore, it is important for us not to compare God with any Human Being. Let God’s reference as your daddy be based on His Word. Don’t compare him with your earthly daddy or anyone else because He surpasses it all.

If we look at the story of the prodigal son in the bible, we see the mentality that the son went home with. He had decided to go back home as a slave because of the many mistakes that He had made. But He was amazed at the way His father welcomed him- full of mercies and kindness. This can also be said of our God. He is not like man and does not behave like mankind, nor does He think like us. Let us always remember that our God is neither Burundian nor white. He does not see you the way people see you.

As a father protects his children, our God also protects us. Psalm 91:1 says that: “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” When you believe in the simple fact that God protects you not based on what you do, but on the fact that He is your father- it brings the protection of God in your life. This causes you to live a life of rest. You stop fighting for yourself and looking out for yourself and instead you trust in God.

You may be one of those people who like to say: “If my daddy was around, this would not have happened to me”. Well, you need to stop saying that now, because your Daddy God is there. He is not limited and He is able to do all things. Get to know your Daddy God- He is a Daddy that protects you. 

Sermon preached by Nahimana Dieudonne on
Sunday, the 6th of July 2014

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