For this special month of February, we are going to be
studying on prayer. Today, we will talk
about prayers that require a certain sacrifice in our lives.
Matthew 4:2 says: “Then when he had fasted forty day and
forty nights, he afterward hungered”
Jesus Christ the Son of God, He who had no sin chose to take
40 days in an uncomfortable place fasting and praying. He chose to weaken the
flesh so that His Spirit could be strengthened.
The work that He was going to do required him to be sensitive to what
the Father said. He had to be connected
to heaven so that the spiritual person could be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
The same applies to Moses who grew up in house of Pharaoh
and went to the best schools in Egypt. However, when his preparation time came,
He made a mistake that caused him to flee from Egypt to the wilderness. This is
where He was prepared by God so that at the right time He could lead the
children of Israel out of Egypt.
2015 is our year to shine. We shine when we bring solutions
to our families, communities and nations. This does not happen by coincidence.
It requires that we accept to move from the comfort zone of our lives, to a
special place to pray. It may mean waking up at odd hours to pray, fasting or
doing what we feel lead by the
Holy Spirit to do even when we do not feel like
it. Each time Jesus Christ wanted to perform miracles or make hard decisions,
He woke up early to pray or withdrew to a mountain to pray.
This year, make a commitment to do the same. Accept to leave
the comfort zone of your life and to seek God wholeheartedly without
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