vendredi 13 décembre 2013

Thanking God for making us His children and giving us His Spirit

Romans 8:4-17: To be read

Before his crucifixion, Jesus Christ told his disciples that He will not leave them as orphan but will send them the Holy Spirit. When we were sinners, we were like nice phones with no sim card. They cannot be used for communication, even if they are expensive and look nice. They are of no use to the owner. The moment we got born again, a new spirit was placed in us and this is what enables us to communicate with God. The new spirit is what we can compare here to a new sim card in a phone. It is a new identity.

We became Children of God and heirs of God.

In the past, We grew up thinking that there are people who are more acceptable before God than others. That there are mediators between us and God that we must go through in order to get to Him. This is false because just like my children cannot send an outsider to speak to me on their behalf or to ask me something for them, so it is the same with our heavenly father, we go to him directly because we are His children and we have access before Him.

Remember  that God has blessed you like He blessed Jesus so that you can do what He has called you to do. Rejoice Child of God!

                                          1 John 1:12
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name"

vendredi 6 décembre 2013


Scripture Reference: John 3:16

This month of December, we have dedicated it to thanking God at Oasis Christian Center. Praising God and thanking Him, should not be done not as a habit but with a reason. We thank Him for His love for us.  This is the love that we see from Genesis where God created us (mankind) in love and gave us His nature so that we would fulfill His will for our lives.

In John 3:16, we see this love magnified. Jesus Christ said that: "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 

It is sad to see how someone from childhood can live life struggling to find happiness and they end up never finding it.

This eternal life that Christ offers to us is not just unending life, but a different type of life called Zoe life, abundant life. 

Why do We need Christ? 

We need him because all of us have been separated from God because of our sinful nature inherited from Adam and Eve, whose disobedience attracted a curse on all their descendants.

Ephesians 2:3 says: "Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others." 

The nature of our flesh brings us to do things contrary to the will of God and it is what brings condemnation in our lives. We were looking for peace and seeking temporary joy but it brought instead negative consequences into our lives. The separation that Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden also brought spiritual death to us their descendants.

This is what caused God to send His one and only son to die for us so that whosoever will believe in Him would have eternal life.

So, even as we prepare ourselves for Christmas, it is good to remember that Jesus Christ's birth alone would not have saved people. You can believe that Jesus was a great man, but that will not save you. What brought salvation to the nations is the fact that He died and rose again.  So the question today is are you one of those who only believe that he existed or was a great man? or are you living out His life, the one that He gave you?

If you are this point in your life where you are ready to make a personal commitment to follow Christ, you can use this words as guide to your prayer and say: "Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.


We wish you all a fantastic month of thanksgiving!!

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

The blood of Jesus Christ has set us apart 

Scripture Reference: Leviticus 8:24

The fact that we are today kings and priests is not a coincidence. God set us apart to be kings and priests and all this happened through the work of redemption and the blood that Christ shed for us. We have seen that life is in the blood. Today, we are going to see how the blood of Jesus Christ has set us apart to be kings and priests to God.

Leviticus 8: 23-24 says: "And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.And he brought Aaron's sons, and Moses put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hands, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Moses sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about."

Aaron and his sons were being set apart in order to be priests to God. God couldn't allow a sinner to enter into his presence.  It was for this purpose that an animal had to be punished in their place. Three things that Moses did that had significance: He applied the blood of the ram on the tip of Aaron and His son's right ear, upon the thumb of their right hand and the great toe of their right feet.

 First, He applied the blood on the right ear because from the fall of Adam, mankind seized to have a spiritual relationship with God. For this reason, it was impossible for a human being to hear the voice of God in his heart. People could only hear it with their physical ears and this mainly through prophets.

Today, because of the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us, we have access to revelations from God. It's good to note that the first miracle that Christ Jesus did while redeeming us, was to put back the ear of the soldier (that had been cut off by Peter). The blood of Jesus Christ was shed so that we can be removed from condemnation, so that we can discern and know the will of God. The bible says in the book of Hebrews 8:10 that : "This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."

God wrote His laws in our hearts.

Secondly, as Moses applied the blood upon the thumb of the right hand so was Christ pierced in His hands, and blood came out- this was to give you the right to serve God. To be a priest and stand before God pure and raise your hands to Him. This also means that as a Christ believer and disciple, you should never fear laying your hands on people.

Thirdly, just like Moses applied the blood on the great toe of the right foot, so was Jesus Christ pierced on the feet and blood came out: This was so that you will stand firm and so that the gates of Hell will not prevail against you. In the past, as we see it in the book Judges 1:6 that if they wanted someone not to run away, they would cut off his big toes and this would hinder this person from standing firm. Ephesians 6:13 says that: " You must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand."

Yes, the devil will come to seek a way to destroy your life. And you have no power of your own to overcome His plans. A life full of fear, challenges and tears is not what God prepared for you. Each time you are going through tough times, believe in the blood of Christ shed for you to stand in those tough times. It is because of the blood of Christ that you have victory over all things!

dimanche 17 novembre 2013

The blood of Jesus Christ speaks

Blood speaks. The story of Cain and Abel displays this fact, as we see it in Genesis 4:9-10: "And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground."

The blood of Jesus Christ speaks. The word says in Hebrews 12:24 "And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."

If you are born again, the blood that is flowing in you speaks of the value of the blood that has redeemed you. 1 Peter 1:18-19 says " Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (Also read 1 John 1:1-7, 1 Peter 1:1-2).

The blood of Jesus Christ enables us to walk in the victory that we have received. 

1. The blood of Jesus Christ gives us victory over rebellion and sin. Let's look at Luke 22: 40-44: 

"And when he was at the place, he said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and knelt down, and prayed, Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground."

There was blood that was shed because of the obedience of Jesus Christ to go to Calvary. Jesus Christ overcame the temptation of disobedience by being obedient and He shed His blood for that. Because of His blood, you can stand before all temptations and say: "I will not fall into this temptation but pass over it because of the blood that the Saviour shed in the Garden of Gethsemane for me, because He overcame all temptation."

2. The blood of Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of sin
Matthew 27: 29 says: "And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!"

Jesus Christ wore a crown of thorns and was mocked and disgraced so that you can be clothed with His Glory- so that He can remove all disgrace and mockery in your life.Just like a husband is honored and pleased when his wife looks good, the beauty and glory of the church causes Christ to be honored. 

The Lord endured poverty for us. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we have been healed. Jesus Christ endured it all so that you can be prosperous.

Today, just like Haman paraded Mordecai through the city square, crying out before him, “This is what is done for the man the king wants to honor." so does the blood of Jesus Christ speak blessings upon your life saying "this is what is done to the man that the King has been good to."

Thank Him for His blood!!

lundi 11 novembre 2013

The Victory that is found in the Blood of Jesus Christ

In your blood, there is life. When a person dies, the blood stops. And in his blood, that‘s where his identity is. Adam is the only human being that did not receive blood from another human. All of us have inherited blood from our parents.

Our Blood can also carry blessings and curses. In life, you can find people or families who never progress, never get married or always get divorced, others are prone to particular types of disease... all these are some of the ties created through blood. Many pray asking God to help them but not knowing what He has already done through the blood of Jesus Christ- which is His own blood.

Jesus Christ was born in a supernatural way, with no earthly father, but a heavenly father and hence carrying the blood of God and His DNA. He became the second Adam- with no curse in His blood, He was fully qualified to redeem us from our sin’s nature and all the curses that came as a result of the fall of Adam.

Because of His blood, we have been saved, redeemed and removed from the dominion of Satan (Ephesians 1:7-12).Jesus Christ shed His blood at various points of the crucifixion: when He was sweating in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he was wearing a crown of thorns,  as he was being beaten up, pierced - and many other times. Each and every drop of blood that He shed was for our full redemption which required that a ransom and sacrifice be paid.

After His death on the cross, He descended to the lower parts of the earth and Satan found that He had no right to keep him there. Jesus Christ commanded that now, every captive who had been held by Satan be set free.
Today, as a believer, you need to know that the blood of Jesus Christ gave you a spiritual DNA- God’s DNA. When you were born for the first time, you had the DNA of your father. Being born again gave you a new identity in Christ, that’s why curses cannot catch you. Today, you don’t need to go through people, saints, angels, Mary,  to get to God. Jesus Christ qualified you to enter into the Holy of Holies and He paid a ransom for that. His blood continuously cleanses you.

Believe what the blood has already done for you and Thank God for that!

By Nahimana Dieudonne

lundi 21 octobre 2013

Walking by Faith leads to a good end

Hebrews 11: 1 and 8 says : 

*      “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1)
*      By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.” (Hebrews 11:8)

Faith is believing God and His word. Abraham, our father and the father of faith obeyed God and left a place he had known for many years, to go to another place where God was going to show him.

Even though Abraham had obeyed God, He did not let go of Lot but travelled with him.

There are different steps that God takes you through in your walk of faith

 The First step is to make a decision to separate yourself from things that your life was founded on and move from one place to another. We chose to move from the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. Just like a lady who is getting married to a gentleman, you have to leave everything behind and cleave to Christ.

Second Step: Genesis 13
Abraham had to separate himself from Lot. They had different perspectives. Some people may be great but not born again. You have to let go of them. Lot could also represent your siblings, friends, etc... a time comes when you have to separate yourself from them and follow Christ.
Many Christians are carrying a “Lot” around. You need to let go of Him.

Third Step:
Abraham also learnt to give to God. He gave tithes to Melchizedek before that law was instituted. He understood the importance of it. You should not give because you want something back from God. You should give because you love God.

Fourth Step:
Abraham made the mistake of sleeping with Hagar and bringing forth Ishmael. He did it, thinking that God will be pleased. But He was wrong.

 Jesus told us not to judge because many people in their faith can make mistakes. It happens. This mistake did not stop Abraham from becoming the father of many nations. Moses killed the Egyptian, but that did not stop him from leading the children of Israel out of Egypt.

 Abraham was restored and God gave Him Isaac.  Even though you might have made mistakes, or been slowed down by Ishmael, there is a restoration coming. One of the things God desires for you is to live a life of rest.

Abraham finished his life being known as one who lived a life of faith.

How is your walk of faith?

By Senior Pastor Dieudonne

lundi 14 octobre 2013

Sunday 13/10/2013

Scripture Reference: Mark 11:22-24

Pasteur Nahimana Dieudonne

The bible is divided in two parts: the time before Jesus Christ lived and time after He lived. In the Old Testament, people waited for the promises that God had given them. Sometimes God will give them the privilege of experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit for a short time, and then the Holy Spirit would depart from them. Today, because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, as new creatures, we don’t wait for the promises of God to be fulfilled- because Jesus Christ fulfilled all the promises for us and gave us the Holy Spirit to live in us. Instead, we live them out.

The story is told in the bible of the fig tree that the master went to look for some fruit on it. It looked good but He found no fruit on it. He cursed it, and the next day, the disciple found it withered. There are some lessons that Jesus wanted to teach the disciples here.

First is that faith speaks. Jesus said: “Truly[f] I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” Here, Jesus was teaching His disciple what prayer is.

In prayer, we don’t speak to God about the mountain or pray to God to remove the mountain for us. We speak to the mountain. When the storm raged, Jesus Christ did not call or pray to the father to stop it. But He commanded the storm to stop.

Secondly, when you pray, check that you are praying in faith. Let nothing in this world cause you to fear and stop you from having faith. The enemy that many believers have today is thinking that what we have in Christ is not enough.

Thirdly, Jesus said believe in God. In other words, be at peace and stand in faith, waiting until He fulfills what you have asked for.

Finally, a verse to remember is the prayer Paul made to the Ephesians, He said : “For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name. 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:15-21)


lundi 7 octobre 2013


Pastor Christophe

Scripture Reference Mark 11: 24

When you have faith, you believe what your eyes have not seen. Hope is based in the future whereas faith is based in the present. Faith brings to us the things that already exist (from eternity).

In Mark 11:24, our Lord said: “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”  Here Jesus was telling us that after asking God for something in prayer, we should not go back hoping that he will do it in the future or some day. But we should believe that God has already done it.  We should not start hoping after prayer but we should believe that we have received what we have asked for. And we should stand upon faith and not upon hope, knowing that in Christ everything has already been accomplished.

When it comes to faith, there are three major points that we should remember:
  •  If you don’t believe in the creator, you cannot believe in the created. Believing in God is the key to true faith. Your faith should be in God. Remember the bible says that without faith, it is impossible to please God.
  • Secondly, believe in the will of God (John 5: 10- 14). To believe the will of God is to believe His word.  And we receive what God desires. Believe in what God has said and promised. 
  •   Psalm 27: 1 to 3 says: “The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” When we are defeated in the battles and we cry, it is not because He has failed or He is unable to help us, it is because we lack faith. He is still there. David believed in the God He had seen, the God of Israel, that is why He said He will not fear. Psalm 125:1 to 3 says that “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” When you believe in God, everything that comes against you cannot touch you. You become strong.
 Believe in God. The one who fights for us has no beginning and no end. Before the problems that you were having ever existed, God already had an answer.So have faith in God.

mardi 1 octobre 2013

Sunday 29th September 2013,

Praying in the Name of Jesus Christ by Ange-Michel Muhayimana

Scripture Reference: Hebrews 1:1-3

Prayer is a way we have been given to have communion and fellowship with God. We don’t pray to beg God to do things for us but we pray to build our relationship With Him. Prayer is a dialogue and an interaction with our God. So, praying in the Name of Jesus Christ is something God has given us to build that fellowship and communion with Him.

The bible says : “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” (Hebrews 1:1-2) .In the Old Testament, the high priest represented people before God and had to give an offering for God to approve and hear his prayers. But today, the bible says that God speaks to us through Christ Jesus, our High priest. He gave the sacrifice of His body on the cross, once for all and through Him, we can hear God speak to us and we can speak to Him 24/7.

In Hebrews 1:2, we see that God appointed Christ as His heir, just like Abraham made Isaac His heir. And we, us Christ’s disciples, are Co-heirs with Him of all things (Romans 8:17). For all things were created through Him and for Him, the bible says in Colossians 1:15-17. All things in Heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible belong to Jesus Christ, for they were created for Him.

Jesus Christ said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” To get to the Father, you have to go through Jesus Christ.  God gave Jesus Christ the name that is above all other names (Phil 2:9-11). There is an authority behind every name. When people mention the name “Ange- Michel”, you don’t think of the president because there is nothing that Ange-Michel has done that can be associated with that title.

In the same way, God invested His power in the name of Jesus Christ. There are many who are called Jesus but there is One Jesus Christ- Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The seven sons of sceva tried to use the name of Jesus Christ and they were thoroughly beaten up because they did not know who Christ is and the authority in His name.

We should know that God is glorified over the things that are done in the name of Jesus Christ. John 14: 13 says:And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” There is nothing that God does without passing through the name of Jesus Christ and the promise that Jesus made still stands today.  He said “In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name” (John 16:23). Notice the word whatever here, meaning everything! Then you ask, “How come have I not seen an answer to my prayers? For a job, for a wife, for a husband, for a child, etc.?”

1 John 5:14 says: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 15 And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” We should ensure that when we asked God something, it is according to His will, first of all. Secondly, we should also be willing to wait for the “Kairos” moment, the opportune moment, the right time God has prepared for us to receive the answers to our prayers. And we should wait with the right attitude, with an attitude of expectation and thankfulness.

So, let’s pray in the name of Jesus Christ, knowing that whatever we ask in His name, we receive!

Two more verses to consult on this topic Mark 11:23 and James 4:3

lundi 23 septembre 2013


Scripture reference, Luke 23:39-43

When we pray without faith, we should know that we will not receive any answer to our prayers. Having faith and hope is different. Faith is in the present. Hope is in the future. Faith is now. 

The thief that was being crucified with Jesus Christ had faith. He could have thought like the other thief: why are you- the Son of God- here with us and being crucified; why can’t you save yourself?" In the pain that Christ was experiencing, He told him, Today (not tomorrow), I will be with you in paradise. In the midst of His judgment and punishment, Jesus changed his sentence for eternity. He told him- don't worry about the judgment you have received from men because today I am going to end your suffering.

Faith brings forth what your eyes cannot see to the present, and you live it. It materializes it.  There is another type of faith described in Luke 17: 11-14. It says: "Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee.  As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy met him. They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” When he saw them, he said, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, they were cleansed.” These lepers were healed as they went and obeyed the word of the Lord. It was not when people were looking but People only saw the results of their faith.

Faith has nothing to do with what we see. Faith brings victory before we live it out. Goliath was killed by David, when David was talking to Saul. He told Saul: “Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.” (1 Samuel 17:36). By Faith, his confession came to pass.

In the same way, don’t look at all the mountains or the giants standing before you and think: “oh, I still have to fight them”. But realize in faith that you have already conquered over them. Thomas refused to believe that Christ had resurrected from dead when he was told by the other disciples and when Jesus appeared to Him, He was disappointed by His faith.

The Time for God to Act is the time When you believe. More than 2000 years ago, our savior received the victory and gave it to us. But many believers today continue to wait for some other victory. There is no other victory aside from the Victory that Christ received on the cross. He has already finished the battle for us. Victory is ours. You don’t have to fight with Satan, because He has been defeated! (Read Colossians 2:14-15). Don't give him the place or authority that He doesn't have any more. All the power now has been given to you by the King who overcame-conquered and Won.

 Pastor Christophe

mardi 17 septembre 2013


Scripture reference:

 John 12: 24-26

1 Timothy 2: 1-2

It is definitely hard to live a life of prayer when we are still living in the past or when we have not been transformed by God. The bible says that “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). Prayer without faith is useless. If you pray without faith, you are just making speeches.

When you pray, you don’t need to make noises. People don’t have to see you praying, but they should see results of your prayers. Paul wrote to Timothy that we should pray for our leaders so that we may live in peace. This is because He knew that it was possible for believers to influence the world through prayer. This world and this country are not in the hands of politicians or satan, but in the hands of the Children of God. As Joseph found the solution to the problem of Egypt, so the solution of this world is in our hands.  So stand in your place as a Child of God. It’s not the pagans that will speak peace to Burundi, but it’s us, who have the power to create things.

When the disciples were in the boat and encountered a storm, the disciples set their hearts on the wind.  But Jesus set His heart on prayer and He ordered the wind to stop. Stop setting your eyes on the things that are frightening you, but have faith. The mountains before you cannot be moved by anything else but only Prayer and Faith. Stop looking at the Storm.

When you pray for another person, you are acting as a mediator between Him and God. You take their place before God. And don’t forget that we will be rewarded for interceding for others.

In Romans 8:26 says: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” The Holy Spirit that we have received prays for us. If the Spirit prays for us, then we ought to pray for other people. The Holy Spirit is our counselor; we don’t have to look for advice in other people. We have him as our adviser and He knows all things. Remember, the bible says that it is those who are led by the Holy Spirit that are the true Children of God (Romans 8:14).

mardi 3 septembre 2013

Sunday, the 1st September 2013

Scripture reference: Ephesians 1:15 -22

Prayer cannot just be taught or talked about. It has to be done. A life of prayer is what brings forth a great relationship between you and God. Three amazing things happen as a result:

1. You love the Word of God: When you want to speak to Him you go to His word. Jesus said, If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and I will give it to you. Through His word, God is going to do wonders in your life. God honors His word.  He loves those who love His word and they are close to Him.

2. Victory: You live a life of Victory. We no longer start praying for it because victory comes through the Word. The Word defeats fear. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, the devil thought he was going to argue with Him, but Jesus knew that His strength was in the word so He replied with the Word. “It is written...”

3. It brings us to hear the voice of God. Those who hear God speaking to them spend time with Him in prayer.

Paul’s prayer to the Ephesians was that their eyes shall be enlightened.  You can be saved and yet lack a great relationship with God and hence fail to see. When you are living a life of prayer, you understand the victory you have through the name of Jesus Christ. The reason why we are defeated sometimes is because the devil lies to us by telling us that the name of Jesus Christ is not ours, but instead He reminds us of our names.

But Jesus Christ, is the name we were given. In Ephesians, the bible says that Jesus Christ was placed on the throne to rule. Indeed, He was placed on the Throne to Reign and with us. Understanding this comes as a result of prayer and fellowship with God. This is what will cause you to reign over all circumstances, mountains, problems. Prayer reveals to you who you are in Christ. Those who know what Prayer is are:

1. Used to commanding, they don’t negotiate. They know they are reigning. Jesus taught his disciple this: to command.

2. They Wait to hear from God on a daily basis.

When we do not pray, the decisions that we make are bad because we lead ourselves. When you live a life of prayer, before making any decision, you come before God and ask Him: What should I do?

And when you live according to what God says, you live a life of Victory. When you obey God, everything goes well, and it works out.

Pastor Christophe

lundi 26 août 2013

Second Part of the Sermon: Giving your life to Christ

Sunday 25th August 2013

Speaker: Pastor Christophe

Before coming to this earth, our Lord Jesus Christ existed in Glory and Honour. He was not under sin, or the curse of the Law. So, the Victory He received when He resurrected from the dead, was not for Himself, but for us. Today, Satan has been defeated. We are not alive because He wants it, we don’t fear the enemy thinking that if we rebuke him or come against Him,we will be provoking him and he will now kill us. No, He has no power to kill you. You are not alive because He wants it, but because God determines everything that happens to you.

It is your right to Command and Reign as a Child of God. In Eden, God told Adam, I am giving you the authority to reign over all that I have created. But because of sin, that dominion and authority was lost to the devil. When Christ came, He came to restore that place of authority for mankind, that He shall reign over what is seen and unseen. And the victory that Christ received cannot be lost; it is for generations to come.

The Jesus we’ve come to know is able. Jesus told the sisters of Lazarus: “I am the resurrection and the life”. There is nothing impossible to Him. The problem is that you want to fight for yourself and you think He is not able. When Christ fully reigns in your life, He will give you the capacity to see things properly, like blind Bartimaeus who fully recovered his sight and could see people as people and not people as trees.Our Jesus has not changed. He is still the same. The problem is the place we give him in our lives.

jeudi 22 août 2013

Wednesday, 21/08/2013
Giving your life to Christ
Pastor Christophe

Scripture Reference: John 12:24-36

- Paul said that He was crucified with Christ, that He no longer lived but Christ lived in Him. He also told the Corinthians to imitate him, as He was imitating Christ.
- Paul also said that He was dead to the World, and that the World was dead to Him.
- When we give our lives to Christ, The peace of Christ never leaves us. Nothing has the power to steal that peace.
- When we pray to Christ, we don't talk to him as a stranger as though He is not aware of everything that is happening to us . On the contrary we should remember His promises and authority and thank Him for our victories.
- When we go through hard times, we sometimes can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us to be still/ to calm down even though we don't have a precise solution to our problems. This is because He knows the end, and you don't.  Trust in Him!
- Give your life to Christ, and don't wait for Him to resemble or be what you want Him to be. But rather, seek to be like Him.

mardi 20 août 2013

Second Part of the story of the Prodigal Son

Scripture Reference: Ezekiel 37:1-10

Speaker: Pastor Christophe

The Holy Spirit wants to counsel you and wants you to live a life of Joy. Rejoice each time the Holy Spirit counsels you. Sometimes we have weaknesses and it opens the door to other things. When the Holy Spirit shows you this, it’s because He wants to change it.
He showed Ezekiel things He (Himself) could do. He already had a solution. The sisters of Lazarus told Jesus, we know you heal the sick and do great things, but now it’s too late, He is dead. But Jesus said, there is something you do not know, I am the resurrection and the life.
Jesus is able to do all things. Don’t be scared because of how things look like, where people no longer trust you, parents have left you, but your creator loves you and He will come close to you because of His heart of love. Jesus was not disgusted by Lazarus whose body was already stinking in the tomb.
This is the same Jesus who decided to pass through Samaria and go to the well at noon time. Drawing water at noon time was reserved for people with issues, who wanted to avoid others (like lepers and the like). Jesus had the purpose of moving someone from noon time to 9 am! And He did it for the Samaritan woman.
Having a good relationship with Jesus brings you to a new position and adds value and Glory to your life. The anointing of God changes things around you.

 The bible shows that when Ezekiel had done what God instructed Him to do, each bone found its flesh. When you come back to the Lord and obey that voice inviting you to return to Him, the Holy Spirit will put you back where you belong. Today, you might be in a place that is not yours, yes you have not lost your identity in Christ. But God wants you to come back and He does not show favoritism. The anointing of God is not for pastors, intercessors but all those who have a great relationship with Christ.

jeudi 15 août 2013

Sunday 11th August 2013

How can we walk in the Glory of God?

How can the Glory of God be manifested in our lives on a daily basis?

Humbleness is what brings us into the Glory of God. The glory of this world is based on proving to others that you are great and better than them but with God it doesn’t work like that. Proverbs 18:12 says “Before a downfall the heart is haughty, but humility comes before honor.” Being in the presence of God is not asking Him to bring His Glory and Honour in your life, but it’s giving God the place to reign. That’s why Jesus instructed us not to judge others. That’s a sign of pride. When you do not recognize that it is the work of
God that has brought you this far, you are missing it.

When someone does not have an attitude of humility, he cannot enter into the Glory of God because He is always comparing himself to other people.  It is when you recognize that without God, you are nothing , that you are best qualified to be in His Glory. It is not your mother or father that brought you to this world but God himself.  He could have decided to put your mouth on your feet and you would not have negotiated!

1Peter 5: 6 to 7 says: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Do you want to be a great person? Agree to be humble under God’s hand. When you are humble before God, You live a life of faith and prayer to God. You can’t live or be in anything and feel it is all right without having spoken to Him first. It is you attitude of prayer to God that is Humility. Even Jesus Christ, the Son of God himself went to the mountain to pray. I am sure He didn’t pray standing. There are people who can never kneel before God.  Sometimes we seek the Glory of God but we don’t want to lower ourselves before Him.

Philippians 2:3 says: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”. Obey and Serve others like Jesus Christ washed the feet of others.  If you still think that you are greater than any human on this earth, you are wrong because we were all created by God. And if there is something of value in your life that can hinder you from serving God, there is a place where you have not reached in the Glory of God. Whether it is lacking shoes or clothes and you feel that you must have that before serving God then there is a place where you have not reached.

Sermon by the Senior Pastor: Nahimana Dieudonne
Third and last Day of the Conference Days Of Glory

Speaker: Senior Pastor, Nahimana Dieudonné
Scripture Reference: Romans 8:28-31

God prepared our salvation ahead of time that we may look like His Son, Jesus Christ, our elder brother and the Head.
In verse 29 it says “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." The word of God says that as Jesus Christ is, so are we in this world.
In verse 30, the Bible says that we have already been glorified, even though we might not see it naturally; Spiritually it has already taken place. So the question is: Are you living it out? Do you manifest that Glory?

Joy and Peace are the Key manifestations of that Glory. God is not looking for the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us but the Fruit of the Spirit in us. The bible didn't say that you will know them by their gifts but by their fruit because it manifests the intimacy you have with Christ. So seek to have a relationship with God. The bible says that the Father is pleased when you bear much fruits, not by the many works you do.

Galatians 5:22-23 says: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." God wants to see His love overflowing in us and this will happen through worship and adoration. True Joy comes from the Holy Spirit. It’s a joy that is already available in our spirit. And When you are in the presence of God, you feel such a joy that does not take into account your circumstances.
Shalom/ Peace is abundance. Lack of peace means lack of something. When you have a relationship with your lover, He satisfies you. God wants to satisfy us with everything we need. It’s in that presence that you receive a revelation of provision in your life and projects and strategies start coming. Peace in Christ also means Trusting in God. Stop fighting with many things. When you are living a life of intimacy with God you can't miss the way because you have a good connection.
All you need is the Glory of God. The more you are connected, the more you can download it in your life and make it a reality.

samedi 10 août 2013

Pastor Elhadj Diallo from Canada. 

Days of Glory, Day 2:

Guest Speaker

How to walk in the Glory of God: STEP OUT OF THE THRONE

God told Moses in Exodus 25:8 “And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them.” God loves us so much, that one day the time came that he wanted to come dwell among us.  Moses did many great things, prayed many prayers, but He never asked God for this. It is God Himself, who decided without anyone asking Him. The Perfect God one day told Moses, I have decided, I want to come down and dwell in your midst.

Today, God is talking to somebody. He is saying “I miss you.” Jesus misses you. We will never understand what the Glory of God is until we enter into intimacy with Jesus Christ. The Glory of God is not clouds and all, but JESUS CHRIST REVEALED TO MANKIND.

As Christians we are so busy, doing so much for Jesus but we don’t spend time with Him. We are always in “Jesus do this”, “Help me”, We know God as Jehovah Raphah, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Nissi. When Moses saw God in the burning bush, He asked “Who are you?”and God didn’t answer Him, I am Jehovah Nissi, or Jehovah Jireh, no He said “I am that I am”.

We need to get to that level, where we worship God as I am that I am. We should be able to say, other people are looking at your hand, I am looking at your Heart I am that Iam.
If you want to see Jesus, you need to do as He says. God is not your servant. He is the Most High. In Revelations 4, John went to heaven and saw the house Moses was told or described by God. When John entered into the House of the Lord, he saw the throne.

Jesus Christ is King. When you want to see Jesus, you need to see the throne, the power and authority of Jesus Christ. John didn’t see provision, money, He saw the Throne. Stop wrestling with Jesus. You don’t debate with Jesus Christ, you obey. Where are you today? Are you living in disobedience? He keeps on telling you, don’t do this, but you have one foot in and one foot out. If you want to live in the presence of God, you must obey and do what He says. If you love me, obey my commands, He said.

Know that I am at the throne, I am King and I reign. The Throne belongs to Jesus. STEP OUT OF THE THRONE.  If you look a little bit further, you will see that the man John saw on the throne was not you, or me. He didn’t look like us. So what are you doing sitting on the throne?
Jesus will not share His Glory with you. Step out of the throne.

Days of Glory: Wednesday 7th /08/2013
First day of the conference
Scripture Reference:  2 Corinthians 3:7-18

From the time God created man; He always wanted to have a relationship with him. In Genesis, we see that God visited Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and that even after they sinned; He did not seize to relate with mankind, whether it’s Abraham or the House of Israel. God even instructed Moses to build a tabernacle for Him, all in the plan of restoring His relationship and reveal ing His Glory to mankind.

Jesus Christ came to restore the Glory of God, so that human beings will now individually have a relationship with God and experience His Glory. In our scripture reference today, we see that the ministry of death engraved on stones (that’s the law) had some Glory. That’s why the Israelites could not look at Moses when He came down from the mountain.

In this ministry, the Glory of God could not be experienced by everyone. Only the High priest had the privilege to enter into the Holy of Holies where the Glory of God was.  But, with the coming of Christ, ministries have changed. The ministry of Condemnation gave way to a much more glorious Ministry (The Ministry of Righteousness). Jesus Christ, came , died for us and saved us, making us righteous by His sacrifice. This made us Priests (as believers in Him), and gave us the access to the Holy of Holies.

When a person is not born again, there is a place where He cannot get to in the presence of God. He is limited. The Holy of Holies is the place of intimacy between man and God. This is the place where we receive revelations, understanding, a Rhema word, and even authority to start exercising a ministry. 

You cannot become a servant of God without having developed a relationship of intimacy with Him (God). Some of us focus on trying to be Holy but never get to live or experience the supernatural because we never developed a real relationship of Intimacy with God.  There are two things you need in order to get to that level:
-          Desire it: Many in the body of Christ, are looking or waiting for what God is going to speak to a prophet or a pastor about them (or on their behalf). This is wrong. You should not depend on other people word of Knowledge or revelations from God, when you have access to the Throne of God and His revelations as well. You should desire to develop your sensitivity to God.

-          You also need to avoid any distraction that can cause you to go far away from God or lose your time with Him.

One good example is the relationship between a man and a woman. The way they behave in the public, when they are walking on the road, probably holding each other’s hand, or sitting together in the car is not the same way they relate to each other when they are back home, sitting in the living room with their children, and it’s definately not the same way they relate in the bedroom. The bedroom is a place of intimacy, where even the deepest secrets are revealed. Hence, even with our relationship with the Lord, it ought to be like that.

Brethren, YOU CANNOT BUILD YOU MINISTRY UPON WHAT A RENOWNED MAN OF GOD HAS TOLD YOU WITHOUT HAVING HAD FIRST THAT REVELATION FROM GOD! The man of God can only CONFIRM what God has already deposited in you. And this is deposited or spoken to you in your time of fellowship with God.

In verse 18, it says: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.” You cannot be in the Glory of God and lack Joy or Peace. You cannot die of Hunger or lack what your Heart desires in the Glory of God, because you are at the Source of Life.

So, How far have you gone in developing your intimacy with God?

mardi 6 août 2013

The Glory of God

Sunday, 4th of August 2013

Scripture reference: 
James 2:1-6, 
2 Chronicles 5:12-14
This August, at Oasis Christian Center, we shall be talking about the Glory of God and How we can live in that Glory as believers.
Our God is a God of Glory. When you get saved, you are transferred from the kingdom of Darkness to a Kingdom of Glory. As Christians, we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord of Glory.
 In the book of James, we are told not to look at what a man has materially and call that Glory. The Glory of God is different from what we can see around us. In Psalm 1, David talked about the attributes of a blessed person, and so did Jesus Christ in Matthew 5: 3-11. This is because in this life, mankind is always looking for prosperity and blessedness or what we call “amahirwe” in Kirundi.
Jesus Christ came to restore the Glory of God. That is why we call Him the Lord of Glory. The Glory of God is His very presence.  In the Kingdom of light, the presence of the Living God is what makes the difference.
Nothing can bring us joy and blessedness in our lives like having a real relationship with God. The presence or the Glory of God is what can bring us satisfaction, true joy and fulfillment in our lives. Romans 3:23-24 says that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God , but it continues to say that all of us are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24).

Our God, gave His Holy son, to die for us on the cross. There is nothing you can do to enter into the Glory of God but only believing what Christ has done for you at Calvary. This is what pleases God. Accepting Him in your life and letting Him Reign as Your Lord is what can fulfill your life. So, the question you should ask yourself is do you have that satisfaction, blessedness or Joy in your life? Only God can give you the peace and assurance that you are looking for. 

mercredi 31 juillet 2013

Sunday, 28th July 2013

Scripture Reference: Matthew 9:35-38

Pastor Dieudonne Nahimana

Planting the Word

Throughout this month of July, we have been studying on the Principle of Sowing and Reaping. This is a powerful principle that can bring great rewards in our lives, not just temporarily here on earth but also eternally. When you ask God for something in your life: whether it is good health, a good family, money, or whatever it is, He doesn't open the skies of heaven and gives it to you physically.

He will instead give you one thing: His word. He will give you a word that shows you what you are supposed to do in order to see your prayers or desires come to pass.  In Mark 4:14 Jesus talked about One seed, the same we see from Genesis, It is the Word of God. Jesus is the Word and it is a seed that cures all problems. Someone can have many treasures and they can all end, but the treasure of the word of God is the biggest.

In 1 Peter 1:22-23, we see that the seed that brought salvation to us is the Word (of God) that we received. Today, God wants His own seed, His word, be planted into people’s lives so that they can be saved. This is His business and main Agenda. You can’t say that you love God without having the same burden that He has or the same preoccupations that He has.

For the word of God to bring forth fruits, Hearts have to be prepared in advance. Different activities (like singing, praying, preparing the area where the word of God is going to be received etc.) take place in order to prepare people’s Hearts, so that when the word is planted, it can bring forth transformation and fruits. In 1 timothy 2:3-4 the bible says that It is the Will of God that ALL men be saved. This is why the rapture has not taken place and the Holy Spirit is among us.

Therefore, as believers we ought to give ourselves fully to see people being transformed by the Word. If you know how to preach, preach to others. If you don’t know how, support at least those who do. It can be through translating their messages, inviting your friends to services, buying a CD of a sermon and giving it to others but whatever you do, you should aim to bring as many people as possible into the Kingdom of God. And remember, when you have an opportunity to sow into ministries reaching out, do it ! Because everything else will follow you, as Christ said in Matthew 6:33.

lundi 29 juillet 2013


By our guest speaker, Pastor Christian Murengera from Crosspointe Fellowship, Toronto, Canada.

Sunday 21st July, 2013

Paul told the Corinthian church in 2 Cor 3:2-4: “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we have through Christ before God.”
As a Christian, you are a letter of recommendation, read by everyone. How you look and what people see preaches better than anything else. You should purpose in your heart to live a life of integrity before God, because He sees the heart and not the outside.
Remember as an ambassador of Christ, you are not called to be thermometer but a thermostat. A thermometer measures and indicates the temperature of a given place where it is placed. A thermometer also adopts the temperature of the place where it is positioned. It changes according to where you place it. But a Thermostat regulates the temperature where it is placed. It changes the temperature of the room. Hence, as a Christian you have the power to change the environment around you. Our heavenly father is disappointed when he looks down and sees a bunch of Christian-thermometers, telling him how this and that is not working. But when He sees a thermostat, it pleases Him.
In addition, we see in Mark 4:26-27 that the Word of God always accomplishes what it was sent to do. God is faithful and that’s why you need to be faithful towards him and walk in integrity before him. A man or woman of integrity is the one who can change things. Because our integrity towards God is so important, you find that the enemy also attacks us in this area by showing us that things are not working in our lives so that we remove our eyes from Jesus and look at our problems and resolve to help God, thinking that He is not able; a bad attitude.

Remember, when we talk about integrity, we also talk about boundaries. Daniel and Job although tempted, refused to sin against God. Job said “Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face” (Job 13:15). This is because He understood that His integrity was the key to His Victory. Integrity is what will bring you into the promise land. If you can seek something, seek integrity.

“What can I do for you God?”

John 3:16 says that “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”God demonstrated His love for us by giving us His son as a seed that brought forth salvation and a harvest of new believers into the family of God. As a result, 1 John 3:16 reminds us that “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”
Many of us (especially in the third world) have adopted a dependency mentality – whereby we tend to think that receiving is better than giving. Even in our service to God. We don’t want to sacrifice ourselves for others.
One story is told in the bible (Matthew 8:18-20) of a teacher of the law, who after Jesus had just given orders to cross to the other side of the lake came to tell Jesus how he will follow Him anywhere He will go! However Jesus Christ, somehow, started talking about Foxes... “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” Because He knew His heart: he could perceive that this man was probably looking for shelter and food and was not committed to the point of sacrificing Himself.
Many follow God, looking for the good things that they can receive, but never asking themselves “What Can I do for Him? How can I honor God by serving Him?” Serving God is not easy. Sometimes it means giving up/sacrificing yourself. One of the reasons that stop us from serving God, is our lack of commitment to Him: A part of us is still in the world and another part is in the Kingdom. If we look at the story of Matthew chapter 9:9, we see how Matthew did not hesitate to follow Christ unlike the disciple in Matthew 8:21-22, who wanted to go bury first His father and then follow Him, an expression used to say: let me first get my portion of heritage then I will follow you. But Christ told Him, Follow me first and I will give you an eternal Heritage!

Likewise, we should not hesitate to follow Christ and serve God with a willing Heart, not to be saved or get to heaven by our works, because the price has already been paid by Jesus Christ. We should also ask ourselves: “Where do we want to get in the Kingdom of God and what are we doing or sowing towards it?” We should not always sit and expect others to serve us in church but we should also take some responsibilities and serve others.