lundi 26 août 2013

Second Part of the Sermon: Giving your life to Christ

Sunday 25th August 2013

Speaker: Pastor Christophe

Before coming to this earth, our Lord Jesus Christ existed in Glory and Honour. He was not under sin, or the curse of the Law. So, the Victory He received when He resurrected from the dead, was not for Himself, but for us. Today, Satan has been defeated. We are not alive because He wants it, we don’t fear the enemy thinking that if we rebuke him or come against Him,we will be provoking him and he will now kill us. No, He has no power to kill you. You are not alive because He wants it, but because God determines everything that happens to you.

It is your right to Command and Reign as a Child of God. In Eden, God told Adam, I am giving you the authority to reign over all that I have created. But because of sin, that dominion and authority was lost to the devil. When Christ came, He came to restore that place of authority for mankind, that He shall reign over what is seen and unseen. And the victory that Christ received cannot be lost; it is for generations to come.

The Jesus we’ve come to know is able. Jesus told the sisters of Lazarus: “I am the resurrection and the life”. There is nothing impossible to Him. The problem is that you want to fight for yourself and you think He is not able. When Christ fully reigns in your life, He will give you the capacity to see things properly, like blind Bartimaeus who fully recovered his sight and could see people as people and not people as trees.Our Jesus has not changed. He is still the same. The problem is the place we give him in our lives.

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