jeudi 22 août 2013

Wednesday, 21/08/2013
Giving your life to Christ
Pastor Christophe

Scripture Reference: John 12:24-36

- Paul said that He was crucified with Christ, that He no longer lived but Christ lived in Him. He also told the Corinthians to imitate him, as He was imitating Christ.
- Paul also said that He was dead to the World, and that the World was dead to Him.
- When we give our lives to Christ, The peace of Christ never leaves us. Nothing has the power to steal that peace.
- When we pray to Christ, we don't talk to him as a stranger as though He is not aware of everything that is happening to us . On the contrary we should remember His promises and authority and thank Him for our victories.
- When we go through hard times, we sometimes can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling us to be still/ to calm down even though we don't have a precise solution to our problems. This is because He knows the end, and you don't.  Trust in Him!
- Give your life to Christ, and don't wait for Him to resemble or be what you want Him to be. But rather, seek to be like Him.

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